Prof. Dra. Mariana Seabra
É Diretora do Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento da AMAYUR.
Mariana Seabra is currently a researcher at the Philosophy Center of the University of Lisbon (CFUL), belonging to the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon (FLUL), where she develops a philosophy of science project.
She holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Porto where she taught from 2008 to 2021.
She is also trained in Ayurvedic Therapies and Ayurvedic Nutrition, having interned at Suraj Ayurvedic Clinic, in Pune, India, under the supervision of Dr. Ganashyam Marda.
She also has complementary studies in Philosophy, Sanskrit and Yoga, being the author of several scientific articles.
She is the Director of the Investigation and Development Center of AMAYUR.
Sábado, 09/03, Sala Ayurveda, 16h30 | Saturday, 09/03, Ayurveda Hall, 16h30
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