Terapeuta Ayurveda
Max Reis
Max Reis é terapeuta Ayurvédico com formação pela Yoga Brahma Vidyalaya School (BR), International Academy Of Ayurved (IN), American Institute of Vedic Studies (EUA), e especializações pelo Kerala Ayurveda Academy (IN) e pela Ayuskama School of Yoga & Ayurveda (IN), onde especializou-se em Herbologia, Panchakarma e tratamentos Rasayanas e Beauty Care.
Foi monge budista onde se aprofundou nas técnicas de meditação, psicologia védica e tibetana. Também tem formação no Tantra onde desenvolve trabalhos com casais visando relacionamentos saudáveis.
Conheça mais sobre o Max Reis:
Max Reis is an Ayurvedic Practitioner with training at the Yoga Brahma Vidyalaya School (BR), International Academy Of Ayurved (IN), American Institute of Vedic Studies (USA), and specializations at the Kerala Ayurveda Academy (IN) and the Ayuskama School of Yoga & Ayurveda (IN), where he specialized in Herbology, Panchakarma and Rasayana treatments and Beauty Care.
He was a Buddhist monk where he deepened in meditation techniques, Vedic and Tibetan psychology. He also has training in Tantra where he develops work with couples aiming at healthy relationships.
Learn more about Max Reis:
Domingo, 10/03, Auditório, 16h30 | Sunday, 10/03, Auditorium, 16h30
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